Dissemination of research results to raise awareness of the consequences of light pollution
The objective of this Working Group is to communicate research results. This interdisciplinary working group focuses on:
- raising public awareness of the consequences of light pollution
- technological implementation by the industry (new concepts of eco-friendly lighting)
- implementation in use to municipalities and regions as well as
- cooperation with researchers from various disciplines.
This working group is led by:
PD Dr. Thomas Posch, University of Vienna, Austria
Dr. Sibylle Schroer, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany
LoNNe Presentations:
IYL Closing Ceremony, in Merida, Mexico, by Sibylle Schroer
IEECB at Light & Builing 2016 in Frankfurt (Main), Germany, by Andreas Haenel