The Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) Research Literature Database
LoNNe Publications:
LONNE Innovation Report (PDF)
Citizen Science Provides Valuable Data for Monitoring Global Night Sky Luminance
Do artificially illuminated skies affect biodiversity in nocturnal landscapes?
Night sky photometry and spectroscopy performed at the Vienna University Observatory
Redefining efficiency for outdoor lighting
Atlas of astronaut photos of Earth at night
On the relation between zenith sky brightness and horizontal illuminance (PDF)
The night sky brightness at Potsdam-Babelsberg
Light pollution reduction
Urban Lighting, Light Pollution and Society (Book)
High resolution imagery of earth at night: new sources, opportunities and challenges
Worldwide variations in artificial skyglow
The biological impacts of artificial light at night: from molecules to communities’ Special Issue: Philosophical Transaction B
Sustainable outdoor lighting for reducing energy and light waste: Proceedingsband ieecb-sc-202-213 (PDF)
Does ambient light at night reduce total melatonin production? (PDF)
Impact of lighting on flora and fauna
The new world atlas of artificial night sky brightness
The impact of citizen science on research about artificial light at night
Evaluating the summer night sky brightness at a research field site on Lake Stechlin in northeastern Germany
Testing sky brightness models against radial dependency: A dense two dimensional survey around the city of Madrid, Spain
Resources of dark skies in German climatic health resorts
Handbook of Advanced Lighting Technology (Book)
Imaging and mapping the impact of clouds on skyglow with all-sky photometry
Measuring night sky brightness: methods and challenges
Artificially lit surface of Earth at night increasing in radiance and extent